Репетитор по французскому и немецкому языку носитель
First name: Fabien
Last name: Schang
Birthdate & birthplace: 24.07.1976 in Metz (France)
Current position: Post-doctoral researcher and teacher of logic and philosophy at the University of Maringa (Brazil)
Associate member of the LHSP Henri Poincaré (Université de Lorraine) and the Centre of Jaina Studies (SOAS, London)
Phone number in Moscow: +7 926 234 42 03 whatsapp
2017-2018 Post-doctoral researcher and teacher of logic and philosophy at the University of Maringa (Brazil)
2014-2016 Post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratory for Philosophical Studies, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (supervisor: Elena Dragalina-Chernaya). Research project: “A theory of information through opposition”
2014 Visiting researcher at the Universities of Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai, India (12-27 February 2014), supported with the Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic (IERTNiL) and funded by the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Chennai (India), the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and the Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften of the University at Hamburg (Germany)
2013 Qualification for applications to the position of Associate Professor
2009-2010 Postdoctoral researcher at the Technological University of Dresden (under the supervision of Heinrich Wansing), funded by the French-German research fellowship FMSH-Franz Thyssen Stiftung.
Research project: “A formal theory of logical values”
2008 Qualification for applications to the position of Associate Professor
2007-2008 Postdoctoral position: technical assistant in the project of Chaire d'Excellence “Ideals of Proof” (direction: Michael Detlefsen) (see: http://www.univ-nancy2.fr/poincare/idealsofproof/lectures.html)
2001 -2007 PhD dissertation – University Nancy 2. Title : “Philosophy of Epistemic Modalities (assertoric logic revisited)”, under the supervision of Pr. Gerhard HEINZMANN. Mention: Très Honorable (unanimously)
2001 DEA Philosophy – Universities Nancy 2 & Strasbourg II. Mention Très Bien. Title: “Reform and Counter-Reform in logic. On the possibility of an epistemic logic and the controversy between Quine and Hintikka”, under the direction of Pr. Gerhard HEINZMANN
2000 MA dissertation – University Nancy 2 & Universität des Saarlandes. Mention Très Bien. Title: “The principle of excluded middle. Critiques of a classical ‘obviousness’”, under the supervision of Pr. Gerhard HEINZMANN
1994 Baccalauréat in literature (option: mathematics)
2013-2016 Assistant professor of French studies and philosophy, Moscow
2012 Teaching assistant in logic, University of Lorraine
2011-2012 Part-time professor of philosophy, Lycée A. Mézières (Longwy) + L. Vincent (Metz)
2011 Part-time professor of philosophy, Lycée Georges de la Tour, Metz
2004-2005 Lecturer DEUG 1&2 Linguistics, University Nancy 2: logical syntax
2003-2005 Home courses (philosophy, English, mathematics)
2003-2004 Lecturer 1st degree engineering (Bac +3), ESSTIN (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies de l'Ingénieur de Nancy – University Henri Poincaré): History and Philosophy of Science
2002-2003 Lecturer DEUG 1 Philosophy, University Nancy 2: logic
Lecturer at the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine: opening seminar about philosophy of logic
1997-2001 Supervisor (externship and internship), directed studies